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When Tyranny Returns
July 21, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - July 22, 2023 @ 9:00 pm
When Tyranny Returns is a weekend seminar that will discuss Liberty of Conscience in the Postmodern era. Come and join us in person or watch the Livestream on our YouTube channel Stateline Advent Media, or here on our website.
- Friday – 6:30 p.m.
The God-given Right of Dissent
A Biblical discussion of the right of dissent, and the limits of civil authority.
- Friday – 8:00 p.m.
Individual Rights – A Legacy of Blood
An analysis of the history, importance and threats of a belief system that prioritizes group interests over individual rights.
- Sabbath – 8:20 a.m.
A Breath of Freedom in a Reign of Oppression
The founding of the United States is depicted in Revelation as a Two Horned Beast. What are these horns? How did the founding fathers view them and weave them into the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Let history and prophecy teach and prepare us for what we are going through and what is to come.
- Sabbath – 9:30 a.m.
Echoes of the Dragon: Challenges to Liberty in the 1840s to 1890s
The Two Horned Beast with lamb-like horns is also described in Revelation 13 as speaking like a dragon. What does it mean to speak like a dragon? When and how did the United States speak like a dragon in the 19th century? How did the Church at that time respond to the challenges of Tyranny? How can an understanding of our history help us with similar challenges today and what we will face in the future?
- Sabbath – 10:45 a.m,
Bought With A Price
A Presentation on the Water of Life, The Life-giving, Everlasting Gospel.
- Sabbath – 3:30 p.m.
The Great Reset and the New Global Tyranny
A discussion of current events, the Great Reset, the merging of corporate, religious and political powers, digital ID, cashless society, and artificial intelligence.
- Sabbath – 6:30 p.m.
Get Ready: But What Does That Look Like?
Prophetic and expected next developments, and the things you can and should do to prepare.